The Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Alliance (ASRHA) is a group of partner organisations established to improve national and local responses to sexual health issues, via a multidisciplinary support network for the sexual health workforce. It aims to strengthen bonds between specialists, GPs, nurses, researchers, and other key contributors to the sexual and reproductive health sector, through collaboration in sexual and reproductive health education, training, policymaking, and research.

ASRHA was formed in 2011 as a committee under s51 of the constitution of the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM). ASHM provides much of ASRHA’s infrastructure including the provision of secretariat, technical support, annual conference facilitation, and funding support. The committee of ASRHA provides the guidance upon which ASHM acts in relation to policy, educational, and resource-based support for the sexual health workforce organisations. Formally known as the Australasian Sexual Health Alliance (ASHA), reproductive health was included in the title in 2021 to reflect the aims and focus of the partnership.

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The latest from ASRHA

The Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Alliance (ASRHA) acknowledges and welcomes The Uluru Statement from the Heart1 which advocates for A Voice to Parliament and Indigenous peoples constitutional recognition. ASRHA fully supports constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. An Indigenous body that provides a voice to the Australian Parliament will create a systematic approach to enable community representatives of our First Nations people have the ability to provide advice on policies and legislation that impact our First Nations people. ASRHA supports an alteration to the Australian Constitution that establishes and enshrines an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representative body voice to Parliament, able to make recommendations to the Executive Government on matters that directly affect our First Nations peoples. ASRHA believes that all Australians can support this change, via a referendum, for the benefit of a fairer, more equitable future for Australia.  

  1. Appleby, G. and McKinnon, G., 2017. Indigenous recognition: The Uluru Statement. LSJ: Law Society of NSW Journal, September, 37, pp.36-39.