Executive Committee
Co – Chairs

Dr Jason Ong – Sexual Health Society of Victoria
Jason is a sexual health physician based at Melbourne Sexual Health Centre and an academic with joint appointments at Monash University, University of Melbourne and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. His passion is to ensure access to comprehensive sexual health services to all who need it (in Australia and through his research in China and sub-Saharan Africa).
He is the current Vice-President of the Sexual Health Society of Victoria. He has previously been a part of national (RACGP National Standing Committee on Education 2007-2008, Chair of New Fellows Committee 2010-2012, Board Director of General Practice Registrars Australia 2007-2008) and state (RACGP Victorian Faculty Board Member 2010-2015) committees. He was based in London during 2017-2018 for his postdoctoral training in health economics.
He is the Special Issues Editor for Sexual Health and Associate Editor for BMJ’s Sexually Transmitted Infections and BMC Infectious Diseases.

Prof Amy Mullens – Clinical & Health Psychologist, University of Southern Queensland; Management Committee, Sexual Health Society of Queensland
Dr Amy Mullens is a practicing Clinical & Health Psychologist and a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society. Amy is also a Professor within the School of Health & Wellbeing at the University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ), where she leads the ‘Health Equity’ theme within the UniSQ Centre for Health Research. Amy has been working in the Sexual Health and HIV sector in Australia since 2002.
Amy is invested in improving health outcomes in partnership with priority communities (e.g., LGBTIQA+, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, people living with HIV) in an affirming and culturally-responsive manner; including currently co-leading externally funded research projects in Sexual Health in the areas of gender-affirming care, enhancing health/wellbeing for trans and gender diverse people in prisons, POCT HIV/STI testing in correctional settings, holistic models of care for people living with intersex variations, suicide prevention for LGBTIQA+ communities, and endometriosis and pelvic pain-among others.

Rochelle Avasalu – NSW STI Programs Unit
Rochelle is the Manager of the NSW STI Programs Unit. In this role Rochelle turns policy and strategy into programs with the aim to improve sexual health outcomes for people in NSW. An important element is combining behaviour change and system change models with health promotion and clinical engagement. During her time at STIPU Rochelle led the reorientation of sexual health services during COVID-19, coordinated the mpox vaccine role out in NSW and oversaw the development of the HIV Self-test vending machine project, MyTest. Prior to her time with NSW health Rochelle worked at Yfoundations, the peak body for youth homelessness where she delivered sexual health training across NSW. This training focused on educating youth workers who work with some of the most vulnerable young people in NSW. Rochelle has also worked in private practice as a sexual health counsellor. Rochelle has a background in sociology, holds and Master of Business Administration and a Master in HIV, STI and Sexual health (Counselling).

Dr Nick Medland – Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM & The Kirby Institute)
Dr Nicholas Medland is a Sexual Health Physician at Melbourne Sexual Health Centre and Royal Melbourne Hospital. He has 20 years of clinical experience in HIV medicine and HIV program delivery, oversight and management (community/general practice in Australia as Clinical Director of the Centre Clinic / Victorian AIDS Council, international/foreign aid programs in Vietnam as Care and Treatment Program Chief US CDC Vietnam). In research, he has been the Assistant Director for clinical research at HIVNAT and is now completing a PhD in HIV clinical and epidemiological research at Monash University Central Clinical School. He has extensive experience in HIV and health medical education including holding the position of Deputy Director of the Harvard Medical School HIV AIDS Initiative in Vietnam (national doctors HIV training program) and in ASHM/VHHITAL programs in Australia.

Angela Dawson – The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA)
Angela is the convenor of the Public Health Association of Australia’s Women’s Health Special Interest Group and an Associate Professor in Public Health at the The Australian Centre for Public and Population Health Research at the University of Technology Sydney. Angela is a public health social scientist with expertise in maternal and reproductive health service delivery to priority populations. She has undertaken research into to the delivery of sexual and reproductive health services in humanitarian contexts as well as access to abortion and emergency contraceptive pills in Australian and internationally. She is also interested in the management and referral of women who have experienced domestic violence and care of women with FGM.

Professor Peter Aggleton – Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Australia
Peter Aggleton works in the Centre for Social Research in Health at UNSW Australia. He has a background in sociology, psychology, policy studies, education, and international health. A UNSW Scientia Professor, he is well known internationally for his analytic work on the social aspects of HIV, sexuality and gender, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Peter is the editor-in-chief of 3 international peer reviewed journals: Culture, Health & Sexuality, Health Education Journal and Sex Education, and an associate editor of the journals AIDS Education and Prevention, Global Public Health and Health Education Research. He has worked closely with national, international and UN system agencies for over twenty-five years to strengthen responses to HIV and sexual health. Within Arts and Social Sciences at UNSW more generally, he directs a major new strategic initiative on Practical Justice.
Associate Professor Kathy Kramer – Forensic and Medical Sexual Assault Care Australia
Dr Julia Scott – New Zealand Sexual Health Society
Dr Julia Scott is a sexual health and public health physician. She works at the Tū Ora Wellington Sexual Health Service as a sexual health physician, and at the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) where she provides clinical and public health advice on national STI surveillance. Julia is immediate past president of the New Zealand Sexual Health Society, co-authored and chaired the working group for New Zealand’s first STI and blood borne virus strategy, and has consulted for the WHO Regional Office of the Western Pacific HIV hepatitis and STI Unit, with a particular focus on Pacific Islands and Territories. She was the recipient of the ASRHA Young Leader award in 2021

Emma Knowland – Australasian Sexual Health & HIV Nurses Association
Emma Knowland (she/her) is an endorsed Nurse Practitioner. She currently works for the Metro North Sexual Health & HIV Service in Brisbane and is the President of the Australasian Sexual Health & HIV Nurses Association. Emma holds a Master of Nurse Practitioner, a Masters in Cancer Nursing and certificates in Sexual and Reproductive Health. She is currently working towards her S100 prescriber status to prescribe HIV and Hepatitis B specialised medicines. Emma has over 20 years’ experience in Healthcare and has held several clinical and teaching roles, predominantly in the public sector and for non-government organisations.

Ella Shannon Morter – Society for Australian Sexologists
Ella Shannon (she / her / they) is a Clinical Psychosexual Therapist and Accredited Counsellor. Ella’s private practice ‘Evolution of Intimacy’ is in Cairns, Far North Queensland, offering counselling to individuals and couples on a range of issues and concerns. Prior to this Ella Managed the Cairns Sexual Assault Service, and was an Executive Member of the Queensland Sexual Assault Network. A role at Relationships Australia earlier in her career also informs her work. She is passionate about reminding people that the World Association of Sexual Health has declared pleasure a human right, and is interested in the shift in wellbeing that can occur at a personal as well as societal level, when pleasure is part of the conversation. She is the current National Chairperson of the Society of Australian Sexologists.

A/Professor Catherine O’Connor – Australian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine (AChSHM)
A/Prof Catherine O’Connor is a is STI/HIV clinical consultant working in Australia, PNG, Timor-Leste and the Pacific Nations. She is a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Kirby Institute UNSW. She was Director of Sexual Health, Sydney Local Health District 1996-2019. She has a broad interest in the field of sexual health medicine, with a focus on the clinical medicine & epidemiology of HIV, Chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections in international health, Aboriginal people, sex workers and gay men.
She is President, Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine (Royal Australasian College of Physicians), Board Member-Australasian Society for HIV Medicine 2012-18, Fellow Australian College of General Practitioners, Chair Medical Staff Council RPAH.2016-2018. Oceania Vice Chairperson- IUSTI-Asia Pacific- 2012-2020.
Dr Catriona Melville – Marie Stopes Australia
Dr Catriona Melville, is a specialist in Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and the Deputy Medical Director of Marie Stopes Australia. Catriona trained in Obstetrics & Gynaecology in the West of Scotland and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (FRCOG). She subspecialised in SRH and holds Fellowship of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FFSRH). Provision of client-centred SRH care including abortion has been a passion of Catriona’s for over 20 years. Catriona is actively involved in medical education and clinical research. She is the author of Sexual & Reproductive Health at a Glance (Wiley-Blackwell) and an Associate Editor for The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ANZJOG). Catriona has spent much of her life working in NHS Scotland, pioneering integrated SRH care before relocating to Queensland in 2016. She was awarded Fellowship of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (FRANZCOG) in 2020.

Dr Beth Messenger – Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa
Dr Beth Messenger is a family planning and reproductive health specialist based in Wellington with over 15 years of experience. She is the Medical Director of Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa and has worked at the Lower Hutt clinic since 2018. She is currently treasurer for the Trust that runs the New Zealand College of Sexual and Reproductive Health, the current chair of their educational committee, and immediate past chairperson.