Founding members:

The Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM) works collaboratively to prevent HIV, viral hepatitis and STIs, and to protect the health of those living with these infections. ASHM also aims to provide education and training and develop support networks and policy frameworks in the region.

The SAS Ltd (Society of Australian Sexologists) aims to promote professional development and education into areas of human sexuality, recognise professionals contributing to these areas and maintain professional standards.

The Australasian Sexual Health and HIV Nurses Association (ASHHNA) aims to promote sexual and reproductive health and HIV nursing, advance standards, facilitate networking and represent sexual health and HIV nurses in discussions with both government and non-government bodies.

The New Zealand Sexual Health Society Incorporated (NZSHS Inc) is a group of professionals working or interested in sexual health. Membership is multidisciplinary, including doctors, nurses, counsellors, educators, health promoters and others.

Family Planning Alliance Australia (FPAA) [Formerly the Sexual Health and Family Planning Alliance (SHFPA)] is the national peak body for the six state and two territory family planning organisations and together provides leadership in shaping the health rights agenda through advocacy, networking and capacity building. We operate within a human rights framework that recognises sexual rights as human rights.

The Sexual Health Society of Queensland Incorporated (SHSQ Inc) has members from many disciplines with an interest in sexual health from across Queensland. The society provides educational opportunities to its members and encourages debate on sexual health issues. Their primary objective is to advocate for the improvement of all aspects of sexual and reproductive health in Queensland and advance scientific, medical and psycho-sexual knowledge in the provision of sexual health services.

The Sexual Health Society of Victoria (SHSoV) provides interdisciplinary networking, professional education and advocacy for people with a special interest in sexual health.

The Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) supports Fellows and Trainees in sexual health medicine in relation to education, continuing professional development and quality performance, policy and advocacy, research, and workforce.

The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, Melbourne is a centre for social research into sexuality, health, and the social dimensions of human relationships. It works collaboratively and in partnership with communities, community-based organisations, government and professionals in relevant fields to produce research that promotes positive change in policy, practice and people’s lives.

Forensic And Medical Sexual Assault Clinicians Australia Inc (FAMSACA) is a member organisation, providing education, collaboration and clinical support for and between forensic examiners working throughout Australia. FAMSACA formed to advance knowledge and improve standards of medical care for those working in this field and for those affected by sexual assault. Membership is open to doctors and nurses working as Sexual Assault examiners.

The Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Australia is based in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at UNSW. Since its establishment in 1990, CSRH has undertaken an expanding program of social research related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), sexually transmissible infections (STI) and viral hepatitis (HCV and HBV). The mission of the Centre is to undertake and promote exemplary social and behavioural science research in health that informs and strengthens knowledge, policy and practice.

NSW STI Programs Unit (STIPU) actively engages the public sector, general practice and the community in the development of progressive and sustainable solutions to the STI and HIV health promotion and service delivery needs of NSW. STIPU’s work is guided by the NSW HIV and STI Strategies, funded by NSW Ministry of Health and hosted by South East Sydney Local Health District.

The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) is recognised as the principal non-government organisation for public health in Australia working to promote the health and well-being of all Australians. It is the pre-eminent voice for the public’s health in Australia. As the leading national peak body for public health representation and advocacy, PHAA drives for better health outcomes through increased knowledge, better access and equity, evidence informed policy and effective population-based practice in public health.
The PHAA works to ensure that the public’s health is improved through sustained and determined efforts of the Board, the National Office, the State and Territory Branches, the Special Interest Groups and members. The efforts of the PHAA are enhanced by our vision for a healthy Australia and by engaging with like-minded stakeholders in order to build coalitions of interest that influence public opinion, the media, political parties and governments.
Marie Stopes Australia is a non-profit organisation, part of the MSI Reproductive Choices global partnership, which provides life-changing family planning services to over 25 million people in need each year. It is the only national, independently accredited safe abortion, vasectomy, and contraception provider in Australia helping women and men take full control of their reproductive lives.
Family Planning New Zealand runs 30 permanent clinics which offer a range of sexual and reproductive health services, including contraceptive advice and prescriptions, insertion of contraceptive implants and intra uterine devices, testing and treatment of STIs, pregnancy testing and advice, and cervical screening. Family Planning provides early medical abortion at two of its clinics. We also provide clinical training and development courses for doctors, nurses, midwives and other health professionals.
Family Planning also run schools-based clinics, predominantly in high needs areas, and its health promoters operate out of 15 locations across the country. The organisation plays a key role in advocating at national and international level for legislative change to promote the right to control SRH as a fundamental human right.